Yet another rehost of my blog
2018, Apr 30
I’m putting this post up, partly to act as a line in the sand to make sure i’m looking at the right version of my blog. Yes I’ve re-platformed it again. Not off WordPress, no I like it for all its foibles.
It did give me an excuse to think about all the different places I’ve hosted it over the years.
- VPS, costing me about $20/year for multiple sites. I installed WordPress using the Plesk dashboard that the Hosting Provider had given me.
- Azure App Service. Leveraging an old marketplace template that no longer exists.
- Azure App Service and SQL Server. Installed using Project Nami.
- Azure Container Service (AKS, K8S 1.7.7-1.8.2). Installed using Helm.
- Azure Container Service (AKS, K8S 1.9.6). Installed using Helm.
The reason for the latest rehost is that my AKS Cluster kept on entering a failed state. I was using version 1.8.2 of Kubernetes, and because of the errors was unable to upgrade.
The latest AKS Cluster is using version 1.9.6 of Kubernetes. The process for switching took but a few minutes since I use UpdatePlus for backups, and an Azure Traffic Manager for routing.